Read it for yourself. This passage states that the CHILD
born in Bethlehem is the MIGHTY GOD and the ETERNAL FATHER.
Isaiah 9:6-7 Yishayahu 9:6-7
Ci yeled yulad lanu
For a child is born to us, a son is given to us
Ci yeled yulad lanu ben nitan lanu
And will be the government upon his shoulder.
Vatehi hamisrah al shicmo
And will be called his name:
Vayikra shmo
Wonderful, Counselor, God Mighty,
Pele, Yo-etz, El Gibor
Father Eternal, Prince of Peace
Avi Ad Sar Shalom
Of the increase of the government and of peace
L'marbeh hamisrah ul'shalom
there will be no end
en ketz
upon throne of David and upon his Kingdom
al cisei David v'al mamlachto
to establish it and to uphold it
lehakin otah ul'saadah
in justice and in righteousness
b'mishpat uvi'tzdakah
from now and to forever.
me'ata v'ad olam.